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Showing posts from October, 2017

How to maintain a water purifier efficiently?

The importance of a water purifier in our lives can never be taken for granted. A water purifier ensures that the water you drink is filtered and free of any physical or organic impurities. Using a combination of different filters and purification technologies, it makes sure that the water you drink is safe and uncontaminated. Hence, it is important to look into the regular maintenance of water purifiers and their filters. Change the water filter
 Water Filters bear the brunt of the purification process as they are one of the main components that purify the incoming water by absorbing or eliminating contaminants. To ensure smooth functioning, check the input water quality and set your purification method accordingly. The Water Doctor feature on helps you choose the right water purifier by submitting your pin code, and choosing the type of water supplied to your house. Over time, the contaminants that accumulate reduce the efficiency of your water purifier. This...